Happy Saturday Dice Squad Fans! Today we take to the front lines of war in the classic strategy game of Stratego! As always be sure to like, commnet, and subscribe to Soup Studios!
Happy Saturday Dice Squad Fans! Today we take to the front lines of war in the classic strategy game of Stratego! As always be sure to like, commnet, and subscribe to Soup Studios!
Hey hey Dice Squad Fans! After a few troubleshooting delays from my computer and hard-drive, we are back! This time we play the game that’s easy to learn but complex to master. The game is Simplexity by: Discovery Bay Games! As always be sure to like, comment, and subscribe!
Its that time again Dice Squad fans! As the summer is fast approaching Origins Game Fair is back again and Dice Squad will be there! Come down to the Columbus Convention Center June 13-17, 2018!
Happy Friday Dice Squad fans! Watch as the we bust out our chopsticks and play Sushi Go Party by Gamewright! As we talked in Episode 19, this is the updated and expanded version of Sushi Go! As always be sure to like, comment, and subscribe!!
Dice Squad Episode 19 Sushi Go Link: